For almost a decade I have known of a
I have yet to meet her, although she is
a dear friend.
This woman paints, and although I do
not think she is famous, I have spent many an hour looking at, and
being comforted by her paintings.
This woman never knew that I looked at
her paintings. They are in a public and yet private place.
One day it occurred to me that this
woman likely did not know that her life had affected many.
Was she like so many of us that have an
effect on multitudes and yet sees herself as insignificant?
I did not know for sure, but felt
compelled to write let her know that she had significance
beyond what she could imagine.
Upon receipt of that letter, I found
out painful news.
This precious lady had cancer.
Advanced cancer.
I felt compelled to crochet a shawl for
A yellow one to symbolize the sun. A
cheerful color.
Then I felt compelled to crochet
A peach colored one. It looked so
Then I heard God's voice say, "Crochet
her yet another, in royal colors, to remind her that she is royal...a
princess...a child of the king."
One day as my heart was heavy, I
prayed,"God, speak to me. Tell me what you want me to say to
Instead of words, a picture. A picture
of Jesus reaching out his arms to her. Clothes stained and dirty as
he went through the trenches with her.
I asked God, "How do I convey this
to her?"
He said, "Give your most precious
picture to her."
I said, "The picture of Jesus
holding the little lamb? The lamb that is me?"
"Yes, that picture."
"Yes Lord. It is time to pass the
picture on. Time for someone else to ponder the picture and see the
comfort of your arms."
So freely I gave.
The news.
So long to wait. The wait to know how
bad it would be.
But during the wait I remembered, "She
knows how I feel."
I was comforted.
I received a picture. An antique one
from her. A picture of Jesus' little lambs.
I cried. "Jesus, the tapestry of
our lives that you weave. It is so intricate."
"You knew a forehand what I would
"You spoke to me before I knew her
need and caused me to write to her."
You, God, are amazing.
I wonder if the friend I've never met
knows how amazing she is?
Does she realize that the people she has touched; the people she has influenced; the people she has
encouraged, have in turn encouraged others?
I think of one person in particular
that she has influenced, who in turn helped me through the pit of
despair so many years ago and encourages me still.
Friend I have never met, you call me
precious, but you are the precious one.
You will never know how many people you
have blessed, just by being the you God wanted you to be.
The ripple of glory passed over me as I read your story and left me changed. Thank you.