Wow! It's hard to know what to write for my first blog ever, so I just decided to write about the two people on earth that are most on my parents.
Often as I go through my day, I think about how blessed I am to be able to care for my parents. I am constantly reminded that the very things they used to do for me, I now do for them. For instance...
When I was young, my parents helped feed me. Then I fed myself. Then I fed my kids. Now I help feed my parents and as time goes on, my kids will help feed me.
Here is another big one. When I was young, I asked a lot of questions. Sometimes over and over. I became a teenager and thought I knew all the answers and my parents didn't. Then I grew into my twenties and discovered that my parents knew more than me, and I asked questions again. At the same time, my kids were asking me the same questions I asked my parents when I was young. About the time my kids decided I didn't know much, my dad started losing the answers. My heart was crushed. I needed his answers and he could no longer give them. I wish I would have asked him more questions earlier and had listened more carefully to the answers. Now my kids think I know things again. My parents rely on me for the right answers and I feel like I don't have any of the right answers!
What can I learn from this?
Thankfulness. Thank you God for all the years you have given me with my parents. Thank you that I, in some small way can give back to the people who gave so much to me.
I have also learned about how quickly life passes. We can't go back. Live each day gleaning as much wisdom as you can from the saints that God has put into your life to teach you. Give as much as you can each day to all those who are around you.
I adore your parents! Besides they gave me a most precious friend to share my heart dear one! I too am walking this path, each memory so dear.